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Different Post new ad page Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 06-07-11 12:08 AM next post first post
is there anyway for each Catagory have there own (Post\ New ad) Page..\ Example:: For Real estate section.. i dont want the\ --------------------------------------\ Red Blue Green Yellow\ White\ \ Toyota Mazda Nissan Honad Ford\ Renult Fiat Sunny\ -----------------------------------------\ In the real estate section i want \ Bedrooms \ Bathrooms \ Price \ Laundry Facilities \ Parking Facilities \ Cooking -Gas-Electric-Other \ Building Type (Condos and Apartments) \ Amount of Deposit Required \ Size in Square Feet \ \ But i do want \ Red Blue Green Yellow\ White\ \ Toyota Mazda Nissan Honad Ford\ Renult Fiat Sunny\ on the Automobile section\ \ Thx
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Re: Different Post new ad page Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 06-07-11 01:09 AM next post previous post

Sure you can. That's why we have the custom fields manager. In your admin, custom fields manager allows you to create a Format, then each format you can configure each field. Then go to the category manager and set its format to the one you just created in your custom fields manager.

remeber you have a general formats and category specific formats. General custom fields will display with each category, category specific formats will only display when posting, viewing, editing, searching that category only.

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Reply #: 2 Posted on: 06-08-11 01:02 AM next post previous post
I don't get it,, I went to the category manager and try to set the format to the one i just created in your custom fields manager and dont know how to do it..\ I went back to Category Manager and what do i do next,,i see Edit Zones Delete on each category.
macman macman's personal page
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Didnt figure it out yet Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 3 Posted on: 06-08-11 01:04 AM next post previous post
Still dont work..\ \ When i select a category in the place ad section,, shouldn't it change to a new Format custom Field That i created,,,, Cause it doesn't..\ Peace
mewsoft mewsoft's personal page
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Re: Different Post new ad page Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 4 Posted on: 06-09-11 04:18 AM next post previous post

You must enable the fileds that you want to display in the custom fields manager in that Format, you must select that format for that category in categories manager, you must not remove the custom fields manager classes in the templates for the post ads, preview ads, view ads, these classes named < !--Ads**-- > and < !--Ad**-- >

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Still Not working Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 5 Posted on: 06-10-11 02:07 AM next post previous post
I went to Create Format to Auto,,Then select auto on top and click on Change..Then from Ads1-Ads5 did some changes,Then i went to my Category Manager and Automobiles(edit)and scrolled down to Custom Fields Format:Select Auto,,,,,..\ Now i went to my home page select Place ad ,went to Category:\ required,Selected my Category Automobiles and see no changes at all of the Custom fileds i made in the Custom Fields Manager\ \ Thx
mewsoft mewsoft's personal page
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Re: Different Post new ad page Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 6 Posted on: 06-10-11 06:36 AM next post previous post

You MUST enable the custom fileds manager for that format by checking the box "Active". I see all of the fields are disabled:

Current Format:Current Language:

Field IDNameTypeMulti SelectMax SelectionsActiveRequiredSearchableAction
 Ads1 User_name Textbox NO  NO Yes Yes Edit
 Ads2 Custom2 Textarea Yes  NO Yes Yes Edit
 Ads3 Custom3 Menu NO  NO Yes Yes Edit
 Ads4 Custom4 Checkbox Yes  NO Yes Yes Edit
 Ads5 Macman Radio NO  NO Yes Yes Edit
 Ads6 Custom3 Menu NO  NO Yes Yes Edit
 Ads7 Custom7 Checkbox NO  NO Yes NO Edit
 Ads8 Custom8 Radio NO  NO Yes Yes Edit
 Ads9 Custom9 Textbox NO  NO Yes Yes Edit
 Ads10 Custom2 Textarea Yes  NO Yes Yes Edit
 Ads11 Custom11 Textbox NO  NO Yes Yes Edit
 Ads12 Custom12 Textarea Yes  NO Yes Yes Edit
 Ads13 Custom13 Menu NO  NO Yes Yes Edit
 Ads14 Custom14 Checkbox NO  NO Yes NO Edit
 Ads15 Custom15 Textbox NO  NO Yes Yes Edit
 Ads16 Custom16 Textarea Yes  NO Yes Yes Edit
 Ads17 Custom17 Menu NO  NO Yes Yes Edit
 Ads18 Custom18 Checkbox NO  NO Yes NO Edit
 Ads19 Custom19 Radio NO  NO Yes Yes Edit
 Ads20 Custom20 Menu NO  NO Yes Yes Edit

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Reply #: 7 Posted on: 06-10-11 11:07 AM next post previous post
I did click on active and didnt work....i just deactivated just to see the difference between The General and the Auto,,,and theres no difference in (The Place Ad) page is still on General\ \ Thx
macman macman's personal page
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Reply #: 8 Posted on: 06-10-11 11:43 PM next post previous post
I clicked on Active and stil no change,,,what am i doing wrong\ ?\ \ \ Thx
macman macman's personal page
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I Tried everything Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 9 Posted on: 06-11-11 06:13 AM next post previous post
Man i worked on this for three days and got nowhere,,,\ This custom Fields manager is scewing me up and I'm a computer wiz.\ Man oh Man
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Re: Different Post new ad page Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 10 Posted on: 06-11-11 08:34 AM last post previous post

Try now, I edited your category, try to post to any category under:


You will see your custom fields started.

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