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Email issue Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 12-08-16 11:21 AM next post first post


Each time I try to compose and try to send an email I get the error message below. Please let me know how to fix.

I always put the address in the box but it dissapears as soon as I click send and the below message shows up.



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Re: Email issue Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 12-08-16 03:26 PM next post previous post

what page you are trying to send from, you mean from the admin? what is the error message and

when this happens? after upgrade?


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Re: Email issue Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 2 Posted on: 12-10-16 07:48 PM next post previous post

qaz qaz's personal page
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email Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 3 Posted on: 12-11-16 04:09 PM next post previous post
Hello, I was trying to send you a copy of the error message but it is not working for me..."ctrl + print screen sysrq" But each time I try to send an email to someone it keeps saying the "to" line is empty. That is when I log into the web site not the admin page...I did not try to send email from that page yet. Please take a look for me Thanks
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Re: Email issue Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 4 Posted on: 12-11-16 07:17 PM next post previous post


You did not say what page you trying to send email from. If on the user site, restore the template of the page that you

are trying to use. There is no screen shot in the above post.


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email issue Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 5 Posted on: 12-15-16 06:26 AM next post previous post

nothing even uploads to this page

qaz qaz's personal page
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cant send email issue Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 6 Posted on: 12-20-16 02:39 AM next post previous post
hello, each time I try to send an email the "to" line keeps going blank. I will type the address in the box and as soon as i click send it goes blank. these are the steps i normally take 1. login to "shortfoot" 2. go to my email 3. click on compose 4. compose a test email with the address of the the person i will like to send email to 5. click send ... and the error message comes up saying the "to" line is empty... why does the addresses keep going away? please look into this maybe the script is messed up.. Thanks
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Re: Email issue Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 7 Posted on: 12-20-16 10:01 AM last post previous post

Now the attached image in the .doc file cleared your question. You mean the interenal users private mail system.

You should put in the "To" field the username of the users you want to send him private message, you do put his

email address. Also the username must be registed in your auction system. So to send a private message

to username or user id called "admin" then just set the to field to "admin".


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