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homepage photo size Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 04-18-19 03:27 PM next post first post
how can i enlarge the photos on the homepage ? i've tried changing the number of columns and resizing the thumbnails, but none of those have changed the size of the photos. i would like them enlarged somewhat. i have an index.html underconstruction page set up, but you can still view what i've done so far at boatadsfree.com/classified thanks bob
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Re: homepage photo size Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 04-19-19 12:19 AM next post previous post

If you changed the thumbnails size in the admin, then these changes will start working on the new items that

will be submitted from this moment. It will not effect the items already submited because images and

thumbnails already created.

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bobmims bobmims's personal page
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Re: homepage photo size Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 2 Posted on: 04-19-19 05:10 AM last post previous post
that worked. thanks
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