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hosting Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 06-12-16 05:08 PM next post first post
hello, i have a domain name that i will like to have pointed to my current account. i tried doing this but my other web site does not show up on the internet. please advise
mewsoft mewsoft's personal page
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Re: hosting Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 06-13-16 04:07 AM next post previous post

Your domain hosted with us is www.shop.shortfoot.com, if you want to point another domains to it, you need to

register that domain first with your domain registerar and change its name servers to our name servers that we sent

to you with your hosting account information.


Mewsoft Support

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hosting Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 2 Posted on: 06-13-16 04:27 AM next post previous post
I already did that but I still cannot see my other domain. each time I tried to point in using my cpanel it says there has been an error. Here are the steps I took thus far: 1. Register domain 2. Log into the registrar and update using ns1.hostrose.com and ns2.hostrose.com and mark as my mew mane server 3. After a few days I went into my cpanel and added the name server to my current domain with you and that is where i get the error message I already contacted my current registrar with the issue and was told this is something that the company I want to host with has to take a look at.
mewsoft mewsoft's personal page
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Re: hosting Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 3 Posted on: 06-13-16 07:58 AM last post previous post

in cPanel you can use "Parked Domains" to park your new domains to point to the original hosted domain.

Note that, you can not use "AddOn Domains" to host another domains, your hosting plan "Business" allows hosting only

one domain, but it allows you to park unlimited domains. So after you change your nameservers at your registerar , all you have to

do in cPanel is add the domain to "Parked Domains".


Mewsoft Support

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