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How Do I Delete Certain Text on Ad View Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 06-25-11 03:49 PM next post first post
When one clicks on an automobile ad to view, there are 5 lines of text I would like to delete from the view. They are as follows:\ General Textbox:\ General Textarea:\ General Menu\ General CheckBox\ General Radio\ \ For an example, please visit\ http://465.com/cgi-bin/classified/classified.cgi?action=ViewAd&ID=1128975352&Lang=English
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Re: How Do I Delete Certain Text on Ad View Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 06-27-11 12:54 PM last post previous post
This question has been answered many times here, go to your admin center-> custom fields manager, select each format (General, Computer) select the first few fields, click on edit then uncheck the "Active" checkbox.

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