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how to turn off tabs top of page Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 09-13-16 08:58 AM next post first post
their are some tabs such as classifieds . directory and fourms i want to turn off...i figured out how to get rid of members tab. but these other tabs wernt with the members tab in admind
mewsoft mewsoft's personal page
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Re: how to turn off tabs top of page Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 09-13-16 09:44 AM last post previous post


Admin->Class Editor

then edit the class TopNav

you need to edit this for each product of course.

If you want the top nav for the classifieds only, then copy the TopNav class from our demo to your's

Of course you can do this at time you mess any thing, just copy from our

demo to your admin, classes, templates, languages etc.


Mewsoft Support

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