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kelvinc129 kelvinc129's personal page
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Language Translation Help Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 05-31-11 06:35 PM next post first post
Hi,\ \ I tried to translate it into Chinese. I started to translate part of the "General/Homepage", but it seems all category pictures are gone and the search engine is not working. Any idea to solve this problem? Thanks,
mewsoft mewsoft's personal page
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Re: Language Translation Help Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 05-31-11 11:40 PM next post previous post
In general, there are no problems translating to any language, it is already translated to almost all languages, so language is not the issue. The issue some times is you need to write or convert the text to unicode so the browsers can auto detect it, example for this , if you translate using MS frontpage, you can set the option to make it encodes in unicode (All letters will be converted to &#XXXX; format. This format is gurenteed to work on all browsers and web servers. You pages header also must have the proper language tags.

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kelvinc129 kelvinc129's personal page
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Re: Language Translation Help Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 2 Posted on: 06-01-11 03:55 AM next post previous post
Okay. I got it. I will try to use Unicode to translate it. \ \ But I only started to translate few places (headings), but all the middle category photos are gone. See my origianl English version below. I didn't translate anything in the search engine box, but it just shows "ALL" now. It is blank inside the scroll box. Do you know why? Still language problem?\ \ Please advise.\ \ thanks,
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Re: Language Translation Help Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 3 Posted on: 06-01-11 04:12 AM next post previous post
I'd rcommend you to try to translate one thing at a time then see what caused this, I think it is still either something you messed in the html code or the css code in the header you may be changed or removed improperly.

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kelvinc129 kelvinc129's personal page
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Re: Language Translation Help Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 4 Posted on: 06-01-11 06:22 AM next post previous post
Hi,\ \ I deleted the old language file and create a new language called "Chinese" from the language manager, I switch the language from English to Chinese, then go to homepage directly (without touching/tranlating any files!!!), It shows the following and all middle category photos are already missing. The English version works fine without any errors. \ \ For the English version, I deleted all country names under the "Location Categories" and change to City Names. Was this the reason that caused this problem when converting to different language? \ \ Thank you,
kelvinc129 kelvinc129's personal page
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Re: Language Translation Help Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 5 Posted on: 06-01-11 06:28 AM next post previous post
NVM. I think I know the reason. I just checked the category page under Admin, and I think I also need to insert names there. I thought the Language Manager will convert everything there, but I guess I was wrong. After I insert city name on the Location Categories, it works fine. \ \ Thank you for your support. I greatly appreciate it.\ \ Have a great weekend.
mewsoft mewsoft's personal page
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Re: Language Translation Help Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 6 Posted on: 06-01-11 04:27 PM last post previous post

You too.

Thank you

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