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Re: "listener" Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 04-26-19 06:05 AM next post first post

You are opening another topic for the same issue you started here:


The paypal setup help is here as stated before:


This is all about paypal. If you follow these instructions you will get it working and this is what we do if you order our

Payment processor setup service.


Mewsoft Support

bobmims bobmims's personal page
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paypal Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 04-26-19 03:08 PM last post previous post
i've checked and rechecked all of that several times................ paypal dodirect with a paypal pro account approved and working................... ipn set to "on" directed to my site.......................... api credentials correct, and installed correct.................... 755 permissions correct........................... uploaded ascii correct......................... directed to perl correct...................... cgi bin correct....................... paypal working. "NOT" thanks for the reply bob
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