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Lost All Ads Submitted Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 07-09-11 03:38 AM next post first post
I have really screwed things up this time. Somehow, I have managed to lose the ads I had posted.\ \ My Home page is showing 11 Total Ads, 11 Current Ads in the Site Statistics area, and my folder counts are showing the ads as well.\ \ However, the ads have disappeared from the view of my visitors and the ads are gone in my Ads Manager area.\ \ I wish I could retrieve my submitted ad information, but I guess that is gone for good. I would like to correct the Statistics Area and my folder counts.\ \ Can you help me?\ \ Thanks,\ Eric
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Re: Lost All Ads Submitted Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 07-09-11 07:33 AM next post previous post

So how you lost your ads!?

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fisherman fisherman's personal page
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More Confused Than Ever Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 2 Posted on: 07-09-11 10:58 PM next post previous post
Last evening, I viewed my Classifieds site from another computer and the ads were still there. I came home this morning and they are not showing. My Ad Manager is still empty.\ \ Can you please pull up my site and see if you can view the ads?\ \ http://465.com/cgi-bin/classified/classified.cgi\ \ Thanks,\ Eric Hartig
mewsoft mewsoft's personal page
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Re: Lost All Ads Submitted Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 3 Posted on: 07-11-11 02:12 AM last post previous post

May be you logged in as another user!.

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