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Media player Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 08-15-18 08:00 AM next post first post
Hello Is there a way to change the resolution/quality of the images that have been uploaded when you are viewing it after. They appear very grainy after uploaded, like old style monitors. Also, is there a way to change the specs for display in the slideshow, so if the original image is not exactly the size as the media player it does not distort the size. Last question, is there a way to specify to the photos - "beside" and "below" that they will display in columns of 3? The photos "beside" go way off the browser display and this affects the text for the description as well. Thank you
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Re: Media player Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 08-15-18 08:40 AM last post previous post


The software does not change the images resolution, the resolution is the same as the original image that you uploaded it.

You can edit the view ad template and customize the area for the media player and images etc with some html and js code

to the look and feel you want.

thank you

Mewsoft Support

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