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bhlaserjet bhlaserjet's personal page
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MSsql Connection Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 06-28-19 10:44 AM next post first post

I'm trying to connect to microsoft mssql database. To see if I get better performance I don't no much at all

about database's so a step by step would be helpful. looked on forum, but found no setup demo. I especially

don't understand SQL Data Source Name (DSN):

SQL Host: SQL Database Name:

SQL Database User name:

SQL Database Password:

SQL Data Source Name (DSN):

By the way. I found a good article on mysql tunimg.  And did what you sugjested.  A little mysql to machine

tunning went a long way. It's much faster now! 


Thanks for your advice Bob

I was way off base

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Re: MSsql Connection Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 06-28-19 10:50 AM next post previous post

MySQL server tuned on a Linux server is much faster than any windows system. So save your time on windows system at all.

Yes tuning MySQL server is everything about speed and performance, of course the more RAM and much better if you get

SSD hard drives later when you get traffic, SSD will make a factor or x10 and above in speed of everything.

If you want to try a Windows database you just use the data you get from your hosting for it and in the admin select

the drive to be MSSQL, that's all.


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Re: MSsql Connection Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 2 Posted on: 06-29-19 05:44 AM last post previous post

MySQL server tuned on a Linux server is much faster than any windows system. So save your time on windows system at all.

Yes tuning MySQL server is everything about speed and performance, of course the more RAM and much better if you get

SSD hard drives later when you get traffic, SSD will make a factor or x10 and above in speed of everything.

If you want to try a Windows database you just use the data you get from your hosting for it and in the admin select

the drive to be MSSQL, that's all.


Mewsoft Support

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