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New User! Need help alot! Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 05-09-11 10:47 AM next post first post
Hello! \ I need help!\ \ 1- When I switch to Vietnamese, Nothing shown up in "Select Your Region" and "Ad Type" drop-out box. It's Ok in English.\ \ 2- Look at this sample ad:\ \ ""Ad #: 1124835376 \ Ad Type: For Sale \ Region: United States \ Time left: 6 days + 06:42:00 \ \ Started: Tuesday, August 23, 2005 11:16 PM \ Ends: Tuesday, August 30, 2005 11:16 PM \ Current Time: Thursday, August 25, 2005 12:33 AM \ Language: \ Featured Homepage Ad \ Featured Plus Ad \ General Textbox: \ General Textarea: \ General Menu \ General CheckBox \ General Radio ""\ \ How do I get rid of the last 5 fields? I did try going to Custom field manager to inactive them, but they still shown up in ads.\ \ Thank you\ James
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Re: New User! Need help alot! Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 05-09-11 09:37 PM next post previous post

1)-You create regions categoriesor locations categories from the admin as you like, it is unlimited nested categories. Create the regions in your area or countery as you like and remove anything you do not want.

2)-You need to disable these fields in admin->custom fields manager. This will apply to the new ads only that you will submit but not to the ads already submitted.

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buinhut buinhut's personal page
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Re: New User! Need help alot! Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 2 Posted on: 05-12-11 08:03 AM next post previous post
Hi!\ For the second question, I did inactivated all those fields in Custom Field Manager but they still appear in NEW ADS. Look like this: \ General Textbox: \ General Textarea: \ General Menu \ General CheckBox \ General Radio \ \ Other Questions:\ 1- I read all posts about: class, zone, ...but still confused alot! Is there any links teaching about class, zone, banner, ..from A to Z? \ 2- How to make a right columm and place banners there?\ \ A lot of questions? Sorry! Anyone there want to be my teacher? 'cause more question coming up!\ James Bui
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Re: New User! Need help alot! Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 3 Posted on: 05-12-11 09:58 AM last post previous post

Remove the classes

Code: HTML    Select All    Expand All

from the templates PostAd and ViewAd

We have banner system help here and other docs:


Other questions are html customizations that you can do using any html editor like MS Frontpage or any visual html editor.

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