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Paypal Checkout Page Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 06-13-11 10:07 PM next post first post


Where do I find the Paypal checkout page and the area to set all this up properly so that advertisers can pay for their banner listings etc before they have their advert listed.

When a new advertiser wishes to list an advert, and if they select any enhancements to their advert which incurrs a cost, how can I have the website automatically direct them to a paypal checkout page so that they have to pay for their enhancements before the advert it successfully listed?


How do achieve the following:
1. When a new advertiser lists and advert how do I get the system to automatically enter their contact details in the listing information page?
Contacts Information:Edit your contact information. Clear fields that you do not want to display on your Ad.
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Re: Paypal Checkout Page Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 06-14-11 04:43 AM last post previous post

The banner system is independent system, you collect the payements on your way then you create campaigns and banners etc .

The reset for payment system is answered in your other post.

Mewsoft Support

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