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Pictures are too big...what is the ideal setting for Maximum Upload File Size in Kbytes (Per File): Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 06-25-11 02:12 PM next post first post
I read your reply to Cora regarding pictures being too big. Your reply was "The program will create and resize the thumbs only everywhere but it will not resize the user pictures, it will only limit its file size to what you set."\ \ What is the ideal setting for pictures (not thumbs) so that is showing approximately 3" tall and 4" wide on most computers.\ \ My current setting for pictures is "Maximum Upload File Size in Kbytes (Per File)" = 1024kb. If I were to decrease that setting to something smaller, would that give me the smaller picture I desire? And, would a setting change now distort the current pictures of the automobiles that are showing in my ads?\ \ Thanks,\ Eric aka the fisherman
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Re: Pictures are too big...what is the ideal setting for Maximum Upload File Size in Kbytes (Per File): Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 06-27-11 01:33 PM last post previous post
The users always needs to display their images the full size as importantto display their ads details like displaying images for hourse or car or garden etc. If we resize these images it may loose some details leading to bad results and feedback about the site, so the ad area is the user area he manage the look and feel of his ad as he like. Of course if this is realy something that you have to use we can modify it for you as a custom work.

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