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Purchaing Upgrade For Searchawy Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 09-15-12 10:28 PM next post first post
Hi,\ \ I am thinking about purchasing the upgrade for my searchawy script, primarily because I would also like to purchase the SnapShot Manager and add thumbs to my site.\ \ My question is, when I upgrade to version 10, (currently I use ver. 6.5). Will the current look of my site be changed? Do I have to redo any of the templates after upgrading? I wish my site to remain looking the same as it is now (aside from the thumb additions of course.)\ \ Also by purchasing an upgrade license, am I entitled to upgrade right to the current version (ver.10) from version 6.5 (my current version.\ \ Thank You!
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Re: Purchaing Upgrade For Searchawy Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 09-15-12 10:58 PM next post previous post

First, you need to review our announcements forums for the upgrades and versions released since your version and apply these changes. Most templates and classes not chages so you will be able to install under different folder and copy your customizations from your old version to the new.

When you buy the upgrade you will get the latest version plus one full year free upgrades.

As for the snapshot manager, it will be released in few days as many new features are being added, you will like it sure.


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Re: Purchaing Upgrade For Searchawy Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 2 Posted on: 09-17-12 06:23 AM last post previous post
Thank you for your quick response!\ \ I just purchased the upgrade and will purchase the snapshot manager next week after upgrading my site.
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