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Region image buttons Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 04-17-20 08:59 AM next post first post
Dear Ahmed, .... In the Auction script/website , how possible to convert the drop-down list of countries to an images with country name on each image inside the (Region) box ? .... In other word, the user rather than click on (All Locations) and then select the desired country, there will be a small image buttons (or may be text links) to select the country ….. * Display only for specific countries * Of course we can add or remove a country from Admin/Settings ..... Please see the attached .... Thanks
w2009w w2009w's personal page
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Re: Region image buttons Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 04-17-20 09:31 AM next post previous post
Not exactly convert the drop-down list to links/images , ..... I may leave the Region box as it is, but create new box for specific countries (text links or images) to easy navigate to a country .... all what I need is the code or how to create links to countries/Regions within new (Region Box) as a shortcut.
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Re: Region image buttons Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 2 Posted on: 05-04-20 05:56 AM last post previous post

You need to find a JS or jquery widget to show combobox images with links then just view source

and use the links in the original drop down list.

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