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Forums Index > Mewsoft Products > Auctionawy > SERVER ERROR: The following required Perl modules are not installed on this server: Archive::Zip
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SERVER ERROR: The following required Perl modules are not installed on this server: Archive::Zip Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 04-01-10 01:47 PM next post first post
Hi, I purchased the software and finished the installation today, but I'm unable to use the REGISTER or SELL links in the AUCTION.CGI page - because my host would not install the required Perl module (Archive::zip) to my server, because it's a shared server.\ \ Is there another way around this?\ \ Thanks
mewsoft mewsoft's personal page
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Re: SERVER ERROR: The following required Perl modules are not installed on this server: Archive::Zip Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 04-01-10 07:45 PM next post previous post
As the error message explains, Perl modules has to be installed by the server administrator, it is normal to host on a shared server, millions of sites on shared hosting, if they refuse to install any perl module, then they do not know exactly what hosting should be today, just switch to another good hosting. Check our hosting partner, they should have a ready server and if they donot have they install modules as required.

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blkcloud blkcloud's personal page
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Re: SERVER ERROR: The following required Perl modules are not installed on this server: Archive::Zip Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 2 Posted on: 04-02-10 02:48 AM next post previous post
Godaddy is very rigid in the way they do things. \ \ The problem is I have a shared server in which I have a couple of other scripts I wish to link to this, that I paid to have installed - and moving to another host will have to be a last resort.\ \ That said, can you suggest a couple of your host partners we could try?\ \ Thanks
mewsoft mewsoft's personal page
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Re: SERVER ERROR: The following required Perl modules are not installed on this server: Archive::Zip Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 3 Posted on: 04-02-10 04:06 AM last post previous post

Godaddy, yahoo, and many very big companies yes they never install anything and normally their shared hosting for personal use not for businesses.

Anyway, signup with our hosting partner and We will install the software free for you. To get this free offer, click on the link "Hosting" on our website www.mewsoft.com then signup with them, once they send you the account info, just forward itto me and I'll install it using the temporary URL and the IP and no need to wait for the DNS to change (You have to click on the link Hosting before you signup with them to get this free offer so we can get our commession).


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