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Submission option in New version of Searchawy Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 09-04-14 11:31 AM next post first post

In the old version of Searchawy admin there was: System Setup > Submission option > Edit Acceptance Letters, Edit Rejection Letters and Submission Form Setup

Now I have the new version of Searchawy and I've gone through all the admin categories but I couldn't find them. These setup/s are very important to Edit Acceptance, Rejection letters and Submission Form setup.

Could you please tell me Where can I find them in the new version.


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Re: Submission option in New version of Searchawy Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 09-04-14 01:07 PM last post previous post
Yes you are correct, I add the menu nav link again in the admin main menu under the "Listing" you will find the link "submissions Options" again with same options. Please update the cgi file "Admin.pm" from the latest zip file. Thank you

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