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bobmims bobmims's personal page
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title / description size Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 04-19-19 05:22 AM next post first post
i tried the "max 400" on the title, as a test. the ad appears on the frontpage, but when you try to view the ad you get a "FORBIDDEN" box. when the editor of the ad trys to edit the ad you get a "FORBIDDEN" BOX. the only way i could get the ad removed was going to the ads manager and removing it there. i want the Title entries/keystrokes reduced to thirty-nine. when i do that in the listings options, it also reduces the Description to thirty-nine ? i didn't change description from the twenty-five thousand that you have there. i changed the Title amount again to three hundred, and yes, it changed the Description amount allowed to three hundred? how can i change the Title size without changing the Description size ? thanks bob
bobmims bobmims's personal page
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title/description Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 04-19-19 10:02 AM last post previous post
i found that if i click on the "Description" html editor i can place more info than i can on the Title line. thanks bob
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