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Webawy Installation Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 11-15-19 10:44 AM last post first post

Webawy Installation

Webawy Installation Steps.

  1. You can use our Auto Installer to upload installation files to your server, skip to step 10 in this case.

  2. Download webawy.zip to your local computer or server from our site using your license number from the Clients Area.

  3. Extract the file webawy.zip to a folder on your local computer.

  4. If you downloaded and extracted direct to your unix server you may need to run dos2unix on the extracted files.

  5. Upload all the extracted files to your server in the correct  mode (*.js, *.cgi, *.pm, *.php, *.htaccess, *.html in ASCII mode)
    and all other images files in Binary mode using  your FTP program
    to a the folder you want normally called "app" off your public_html or httpdocs or htdocs or to the root html
    folder, you can install under any folder you want or even under the site root folder.

    Eexamples for installation folders on your server:





  6. Change permissions to 755 or web executables for the uploaded files *.cgi, *.pm, and .htaccess in all folders.

  7. Point your browser to the file webawy.cgi to execute it, assuming you uploaded to the /app/ folder:


  8. This is the webawy compressed self extract installer file, once you call webawy.cgi you will see
    the installer page. Set the installer options and click the install button and wait until it finish.

  9. Once the installer finish creating folders, extracting and installing all files, it will show a link at the bottom of the page
    pointing to the program configuration, click on that link to go to the configuration.

  10. You can access the program configuration direct after installation using the link:


    this assuming your installation folder is app, change it in the url above and use your real domain name.

  11. Go to your site control panel say cPanel, Plesk, etc and create a mysql database and create a database user
    then add that user to the database and give it full privilages.

  12. In the Webawy Configuration, click on the "Database" tab and setup your database information.

  13. In the Configuration, click on "Setup" tab then click the link "Create SQL Database Tables" to create the database tables.

  14. In the Configuration, click on "Setup" tab then click the link "Restore SQL Database From The Text Files Backup" to load the database defaults.

  15. To reset the database stats, click on Modules, then click on the Stats module, then click on the link "Update All System Statistics".

  16. Now you can access your website from the user side by calling the link:


    of course if you installed on the root folder you should use the link:


  17. If you finished the above steps successfully then congratulations you have finished the installation and configuration.

Thank you

Mewsoft Support

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