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smokyant2000 smokyant2000's personal page
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added requests for add ons and price for work Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 12-28-14 03:06 AM next post first post
on top of the deal you offered i thaught i better cover my bases and see what all the stuff i want/need done would break me for.its payday for me which meens payday for you smile\ \ *buyers address added to the end of auction email to seller.\ *buyer also doesnt get the email to contact seller after winning\ *HTML editer on the about me page setup.\ *in "my account", need a watched items for sellers ( < items for sale they are watching>)\ *a single final invoice for buyer that buys more than 1 item listing.( i sold 4 coins and each item came as one sale, id like for a single buer buying more than one item from seller to combine item numbers and such)\ * email sent on each offer\ \ that should cover the biggies for a few weeks smile
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Re: added requests for add ons and price for work Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 12-28-14 04:11 AM next post previous post

For quotes please email me direct, let's do the pending one that you already got the quote then we look at this new job, that's make everyone conentrates on the requested job exactlly.

Thank you

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smokyant2000 smokyant2000's personal page
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Re: added requests for add ons and price for work Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 2 Posted on: 12-28-14 11:01 AM last post previous post
sorry ,i will email next time smile\ \ i need just a quote if you can. when i get paid the first things are most important and i wana make sure that you get your end before i go splurging somewhere else smile\ \ thanks again smile
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