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bobmims bobmims's personal page
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admin configuration page Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 04-06-19 08:02 AM next post first post
i'm not sure what to set the links/urls on the configuration page in admin. such as "secure server url" which now has mewsoft.com , i beleive. i put something in one of them previously that i should not have, and was locked out of admin page. do you have a link/page that explains what should be inserted in to those boxes ? thanks bob
bobmims bobmims's personal page
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admin configuration page Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 04-07-19 04:14 AM next post previous post
i did a test ad the photo will not appear on the front page. the "text" of my ad "description" does appear under "featured". but the photo will not. regardless of what boxes i check on ad criteria. did i delete some code that tells the photo to go to front page, gallery or featured ? thanks bob
bobmims's Wrote:
 i'm not sure what to set the links/urls on the configuration page in admin. such as "secure server url" which now has mewsoft.com , i beleive. i put something in one of them previously that i should not have, and was locked out of admin page. do you have a link/page that explains what should be inserted in to those boxes ? thanks bob
mewsoft mewsoft's personal page
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Re: admin configuration page Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 2 Posted on: 04-07-19 05:16 AM next post previous post

Yes there is some docs here:


As for the photos not displaying on the front page, yes sure you have removed or changes

the html url in the admin->Configuration or modified the listing classes in the class editor for that.

You can always comapre the codes with our demos, you can also ask the hosting company to restore your site

from previous backup.


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bobmims bobmims's personal page
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Re: admin configuration page Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 3 Posted on: 04-07-19 05:37 AM next post previous post
where do i find these demo codes ? thanks bob
bobmims bobmims's personal page
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Re: admin configuration page Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 4 Posted on: 04-07-19 05:45 AM next post previous post
__________________________________________________________________________________________ are one of these "theme_images_ the images for featured home ? thanks bob
  • [[featured_home_title]]

bobmims bobmims's personal page
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Re: admin configuration page Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 5 Posted on: 04-07-19 05:48 AM next post previous post
my last post didn't send well. are one of these the featured images code ?
  • [[featured_home_title]]

bobmims bobmims's personal page
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Re: admin configuration page Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 6 Posted on: 04-07-19 06:43 AM next post previous post
when i do an "inspect element" i see what appears to be a lot of compressed boxes in my "featured ads" box. "rb1, rb2, rb3" etc. many of them. how do i delete them ? i can't find them anywhere. thanks bob
mewsoft mewsoft's personal page
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Re: admin configuration page Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 7 Posted on: 04-07-19 09:19 AM last post previous post

I see you site have a protected directory setting in your cpanel. You need

to remove this from your cpanel.

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