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gmsis gmsis's personal page
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I need custom help PLEASE Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 06-30-13 03:45 AM next post first post
I have a problem with Auctionawy.. My site is in the design process so that's good I guess. \ \ Anyway, I was able to use the sell page and put 4 items on as a test no problem no errors. Then today all of a sudden once I processed the closed test items then came the problems.. the processing of the items went perfect.. but when I went to sell again this time I get errors when I select the Region or the Category and I can't upload a file / pic anymore and so on and so on..\ \ I reinstalled all the .pm and html pages from my master files .. no good.. so I redownloaded the files from your download again and reinstalled still same problem so I am in need of help.. \ \ I will make the order if you can advise on about how long to correct this stupid problem.. it was all going so good up till now. smile\ \ PLEASE ADVISE ASAP.. I think for you 1 hour would be more then enough.. \ \ Later I also have a Classifiedawy problem but we'll fix that once this is done ok so leave me some credit ok... smile \ \ Thanks you are always a great help.
mewsoft mewsoft's personal page
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Re: I need custom help PLEASE Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 07-01-13 06:35 AM next post previous post

This is not a custom work and should be posted in the Auctionawy forums for speedy replies. Anyway, in general nothing changes by itself, there has to be some one or something changed anything either you did something wrong or your server has crash which not usual.

You can order our installation service which is $30 only perl product for reinstallation, WIll keep your database. If you have done customizations then order 1 hour customwork ($50) and we will try to keep your customization.


Mewsoft Support

gmsis gmsis's personal page
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I still need help beyond forum from Support!! Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 2 Posted on: 07-01-13 05:28 PM next post previous post
Hi Mewsoft, \ \ (I don't want to have that type custom work done (reinstall I mean because I did a lot of coustom work on the site already unless I have to I just I just need one area fixed - the sell pages.)\ \ I'm sorry but you didn't listen at all to what I said..PLEASE LISTEN!\ \ I said it was working.. I didn't say it was your fault, and I didn't go into great details because when it stopped or how this is not the issue! Sure there is a code proplem that was caused when I was customizing the pages but the issue here is:\ \ I have no way to know what happened to stop the functions on the Sell page only ... all the rest of the site works just fine! \ \ The variables are far to many on this and I already reinstalled the Sell.pm the sell html and all sell pages, the region pages and pms and the category.pm and such and it still does not work so to get help in the forum is to much.. I already reinstalled every page except and nothing fixed the problem. \ \ So the forum can't resolve this i=unless I offer $50 to someone there to go into my files and fix the problem and your support team since you wrote the programs can be paid $50 dollars to to help me better ... OK! \ \ So, it is a custom job because I need to pay right for your personal support due to a problem I caused or can't correct, even if it is a simple one! \ \ In other words I want to pay $50 dollars to get the Sell.html pages and functions for that page working again.. \ \ Not trying to be fussy but I can't get help on the forum if the problem is a real support issue that needs your actual personal time and personal support by actually trying the page and seeing the function problems.. \ \ I need and want to pay for the help to get this resolved. How do I go about getting this help. And yes I want to keep in tact the custom work I already did. So even a reinstall of the main site (not the Admin) is fine so long as the custom work stays in place.. \ \ \ Thank you
mewsoft mewsoft's personal page
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Re: I need custom help PLEASE Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 3 Posted on: 07-01-13 11:06 PM last post previous post

This is paid support not a custom work, anyway, place an order for 1 hour custo work ($50), then email me your FTP info, your admin.cgi URL and login and decribe the problem is short againin the email


Mewsoft Support

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