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sabachi sabachi's personal page
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Listing item problem Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 03-05-09 01:39 PM next post first post
Hi:\ \ When one chooses a category, in the listing page where subcategories show, no items appear unter the Photo, Title, ... line. I thought a listing should appear with picture and description etc. How do we make this work?\ \ Thank you in advance,
mewsoft mewsoft's personal page
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Re: Listing item problem Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 03-06-09 02:27 PM next post previous post
Items will display only under the same category id they submitted to not under any parents.

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sabachi sabachi's personal page
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Re: Listing item problem Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 2 Posted on: 03-07-09 12:46 AM next post previous post
\ \ \ \ \
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mewsoft's Wrote:
 Items will display only under the same category id they submitted to not under any parents.
\ \ Hi:\ \ Your answer is too short and concise for me. Could you please elaborate. But let me explain the question first. May be I did not explain this well or may be I am missing something here. lets say in the main page you choose a category and it takes you to the listing page. In the listing page all subcategories are listed. Below these there is a line highlighted with green, which says Photo Title Quantity ... etc.\ I thought below this line all items belonging to the chosen category should be listed, otherwise why have this line if nothing is to be listed below it ??!!\ Even if you will answer this away some how, could you tell me how one can add this functionality (not too consize please).\ \ Thank you in advance.
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Re: Listing item problem Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 3 Posted on: 03-07-09 05:04 AM next post previous post
By default all Main categories are set to not accept submissions, if you trun on these main categories to accept submissions they will display their items. Most sites do that have sub nested categories do not allow submisstion to main categories or no one will bother browsing to the category tree, but in some case some sites may have only one level categories and they allow submissin to main categories.

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sabachi sabachi's personal page
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Re: Listing item problem Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 4 Posted on: 03-07-09 04:11 PM next post previous post
\ \ \ \ \
 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
mewsoft's Wrote:
 By default all Main categories are set to not accept submissions, if you trun on these main categories to accept submissions they will display their items. Most sites do that have sub nested categories do not allow submisstion to main categories or no one will bother browsing to the category tree, but in some case some sites may have only one level categories and they allow submissin to main categories.
\ Thank you for the information:\ \ Could you please tell me which class I should modify or which option I have to turn on to allow submission to main category?\ In short how do I make this change?\ \ Regards
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Re: Listing item problem Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 5 Posted on: 03-07-09 05:50 PM next post previous post
Admin->Category Manager-> click on Edit for each category then check the box Accept.

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sabachi sabachi's personal page
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Re: Listing item problem Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 6 Posted on: 03-07-09 06:48 PM next post previous post
I editted the categories, and for all "Accept Submissions" are already checked. But still the items are not listed in the Listing page. However I think I know what is going on: In order for the items to show up, we not only have to insert the items in various subcategories, but also in the root category itself. If I am correct in understanding this, then this becomes incovenient. Because one has to insert items twice, once in the categoriy and another time in the appropriate subcategory. \ \ First of all, am I right in understanding this?\ secondly is so, is there anyway to avoid this double insertion.\ \ Thank you in advance,
sabachi sabachi's personal page
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Re: Listing item problem Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 7 Posted on: 03-10-09 07:45 PM next post previous post
Please guys, I really need an answer to this problem. I really appreciate it if you get back to me.\ \ Regards,
mewsoft mewsoft's personal page
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Re: Listing item problem Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 8 Posted on: 03-11-09 03:18 AM next post previous post
Again items will display only under the same category or sub category they are submitted to, items will not display under parent categoies. To display items under a main category then you MUST submit the item to the parent category.

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maverick maverick's personal page
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Re: Listing item problem Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 9 Posted on: 03-11-09 05:30 AM next post previous post
is it possible to show from all sub categories with a simple hack? if ebay do that we also should do that way.
gropy1 gropy1's personal page
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Re: Listing item problem Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 10 Posted on: 03-11-09 08:31 AM next post previous post
\ \ \ \ \
 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
maverick's Wrote:
 is it possible to show from all sub categories with a simple hack? if ebay do that we also should do that way.
\ \ i agree with you .\ I trying to do this mission along time ago and still cant do it all the time errors but im sure that Ahmed can do this!\ \ This will raise the system to a new leveals .
mewsoft mewsoft's personal page
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Re: Listing item problem Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 11 Posted on: 03-11-09 08:44 AM next post previous post

Of course we can do this as a custom work for three of you if you are interested and you can split the cost $300 among you the three or anyone else interested.


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gropy1 gropy1's personal page
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Re: Listing item problem Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 12 Posted on: 03-11-09 10:30 AM next post previous post
\ \ \ \ \
 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
mewsoft's Wrote:

Of course we can do this as a custom work for three of you if you are interested and you can split the cost $300 among you the three or anyone else interested.


\ \ Well , \ i dont have the budget for this but i think everyone need to orgnized and do this Cusom work.\ \ i would recomand to open new topic , sticky one and explain by Ahmed what is this costum work .\ Any one that want this will sign there.\ \ Best Regards \ \ Gropy
sabachi sabachi's personal page
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Re: Listing item problem Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 13 Posted on: 03-12-09 01:22 PM next post previous post
Hi: I think definitely more than 3 people will use this because thats the way to go in my openion. I agree that we should find out who else is interested (which probably a great majority). May be Ahmed can send email to all Auctionaway coustomers and find out who would be interested. Then he can bring on the cost ($300/#responded) at that time to them. Regards,
gropy1 gropy1's personal page
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Re: Listing item problem Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 14 Posted on: 03-18-09 07:00 AM last post previous post
\ \ \ \ \
 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
sabachi's Wrote:
 Hi: I think definitely more than 3 people will use this because thats the way to go in my openion. I agree that we should find out who else is interested (which probably a great majority). May be Ahmed can send email to all Auctionaway coustomers and find out who would be interested. Then he can bring on the cost ($300/#responded) at that time to them. Regards,
\ \ agree with everyword sabachi .\ \ Ahmed will you considered it?\ \ Thanks\ Gropy1
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