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NO invoice is sent Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 01-08-16 01:39 AM next post first post


I send Incoice to members but they seem not to get them,


How are the Invoices sent??



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Re: NO invoice is sent Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 01-08-16 02:30 PM next post previous post

Try users accounts with balance and make sure their emails is not blocking you or marked you

as a spam.


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Re: NO invoice is sent Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 2 Posted on: 01-09-16 06:14 AM next post previous post

One account

Hi, I dont understand this maybe.. I have registered with my 2 personal accounts in the website and

i have set Credit for one account as -800 USD and the other account has 20 USD.

All the other Users have + balances...when i send the invoices the system shows that it has sent invoices to ALL

Account holders but i dont get that Invoice in either of my Accounts..

Plse Help



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Re: NO invoice is sent Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 3 Posted on: 01-11-16 04:50 PM next post previous post
  Hello, Guys, Anyone with an Idea how send Invoices or maybe i messed up something?
mewsoft mewsoft's personal page
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Re: NO invoice is sent Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 4 Posted on: 01-11-16 11:22 PM next post previous post

Make sure you set the invoices options to the correct values:

    Send New Invoice  
 Invoice date:  Thursday, April 29, 2010
 Invoice start date:     mm/dd/yyyy
 Days in this invoice:  
 Overdue after:   days
 Minimum Total Due:  $


lt may be the start date of the invoice or mininmum due etc.


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INVOICE Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 5 Posted on: 01-22-16 02:40 AM last post previous post


I have sent Invoices but they were not delivered; see how i set the Invoice below


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