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PayPal Checkout Page Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 09-04-10 12:15 PM next post first post
PayPal Checkout Page need help

Pay To: Is OK
Payment For: HOW DO I CHANGE THIS.? FORM (( NetAuction )) To ???
Currency: Is OK
Amount: Is OK
Shipping & Handling: HOW DO I TAKE THIS OUT.??
Total Amount: Is OK
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Re: PayPal Checkout Page Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 09-04-10 03:25 PM next post previous post
Admin->Language manager->Edit language, file AccountMgr.pm, see variable paypal_payment_item_name or just use the search language for netauction.

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Re: PayPal Checkout Page Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 2 Posted on: 06-13-11 02:36 PM next post previous post


Where do I find the Paypal checkout page?

When a new advertiser wishes to list an advert, and if they select any enhancements to their advert which incurrs a cost, how can I have the website automatically direct them to a paypal checkout page so that they have to pay for their enhancements before the advert it successfully listed?


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Re: PayPal Checkout Page Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 3 Posted on: 06-14-11 04:41 AM last post previous post
The system will direct the user to his account manager to make a deposite either equal to the listing fees or more as he wishes, and once the account has enough balance he can submit the listing.

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