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Pictures Not Showing on Featured Ads and Newest Add ( Watermark Gone too) Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 12-08-15 02:40 AM next post first post

Pictures Not Showing on Featured Ads and Newest Add

I have tried very many times but no Success, only the Text is Displaying

(Display Text is hidden on the lower part which seems like too much cellpadding or Vertical alignment to Bottom, am not sure)

Also my Watermark was working but not the Best watermark, Now its Gone and in the File Directory the watermark.gif is still there..

I am very Tired, please help


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Re: Pictures Not Showing on Featured Ads and Newest Add ( Watermark Gone too) Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 12-10-15 09:59 PM last post previous post


You can restore the listing classes if you messed them up, you can copy them from our demo.

Any thing you mess you can copy  it from our demos. as for the watermark image, make sure it is

uploaded in Binary mode.


Mewsoft Support

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