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SERVER ERROR Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 01-31-16 01:36 AM next post first post

Hi Mewsoft,


A big Problem here..Website is inaccessible...

Server Error
The following required Perl modules are not installed on this server:


Please contact your server administrator or hosting company to install these modules.

Perl modules can be downloaded from www.cpan.org or installed using the programs ppm or cpan that comes with perl in the same bin directory. To install perl module, run the program ppm or cpan or perl -MCPAN -e shell, then type install module_name. Root access required for this action.

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Re: SERVER ERROR Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 01-31-16 02:07 AM next post previous post

the error is self explained, contact your hosting company, they may be upgraded Perl and needs to

reinstall these Perl modules. Call the testserver.cgi script to show you all missing Perl modules.


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Re: SERVER ERROR Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 2 Posted on: 01-31-16 04:04 PM last post previous post

Hi Mewsoft

The Problem has been resolved...the C-panel updated Perl Modules that conflicted with the earlier Modules.


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