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Boardway Program Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 05-28-12 06:39 AM next post first post
What will it cost to fix’s this program to work like your other programs?? \ \ I would think your other affiliates using your programs would pay some thing to fix it too. And take it off your free list off programs; it’s almost as good as your buy programs !!!!\ \ The images are on the site but will not show in the slide show.\ Win I edit a post and click on preview it comes back to the same page. Cannot see the preview!! Also can't delete Photos or files, goes back to new post then to an error page. \ \ \ Thank You
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Re: Boardway Program Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 06-01-12 04:43 AM last post previous post
The forum software is the same grade as all our products yes however we developed it as  GPL software. No plans to make take change the license to none free, however we have a license type on our order page for $99 you get a license to remove the powered by message from your pages.

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