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Language drop down menu Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 06-01-14 08:17 AM next post first post
Hi, The language drop down menu does not work, it is actually linked to the Home Page: .../cgi-bin/dir/dir.cgi which is the default English, I think it should linked to this: .../cgi-bin/dir/dir.cgi?Lang=English but Arabic, ... so if I type: .../cgi-bin/dir/dir.cgi?Lang=Arabic (an Arabic word at the end) I can see the Arabic site... How can I fix that ? Thanks
mewsoft mewsoft's personal page
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Re: Language drop down menu Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 06-01-14 05:49 PM next post previous post

Actually you should post your problem not saying does not work and should be what, anyway the language

menu is a complete form which gets submitted when you change the selected language menu item, what you

are saying means you deleted the rest of the form. See or restore the LanguageMenu Class in your

admin->Class editor.

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wiswis wiswis's personal page
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Re: Language drop down menu Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 2 Posted on: 06-02-14 01:37 AM next post previous post

I never touched or deleted the LanguageMenu Class in the admin->Class editor, the code still as is..

You can test that your self and see the "demo" Arabic page, ONLY if you type the word "Arabic" at the end: .../cgi-bin/dir/dir.cgi?Lang=English

The language menu (drop down menu) is on the web site, but When choosing different language, it goes back to the Home page only (the default English)

is there something need to be fixed?


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Re: Language drop down menu Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 3 Posted on: 06-02-14 12:00 PM next post previous post

I checked your website and the language switched to Arabic and I viewed your Arabic category translation and

switched to the english from the drop down language, so it is working fine. try from another computer or browser.


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Re: Language drop down menu Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 4 Posted on: 06-02-14 09:18 PM last post previous post
That's correct, it works fine from another computer, ….. The fault is my computer and sounds strange to me, may be the cookies or something else, I have to find out any way…
Thanks so much
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