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Mewsoft Banner Server


Steps to setup a campaign
Interactive Marketing Units
Using and calling banners
Calling banners using Classes
Calling banners using SSI
Checking Campaigns Stats
Add New Account
Add New Campaign
Manage Accounts
Manage Campaigns
Manage Zones
Edit Banner Templates



Mewsoft Banner Server is already integrated component in the Mewsoft Search Engine which simply is an ad management system designed for sites that need fast, reliable, flexible, easy-to-use and full-featured ad serving and management front-end.

With features like trackable rich-media delivery, independent client statistical area, comprehensive activities reporting, unlimited content creations and auto-generate ad codes, Mewsoft Banner Server will simplifies your advertising tasks while at the same time maximizing your advertising revenues.

The banner server administration tools allows you to manage all your banner advertising all over your search engine pages as well as your all other sites pages and your entire network. You can create and manage unlimited zones or groups, accounts, and campaigns as well as check stats and other options.



Easy to use Web-based Administration.
Advertiser reports login with full detailed statistics.
Reports by day, month, hours, IP log, for each banner.
Rich Media and Standard Ad Banners using SSI or Non-SSI.
Cache bust code to prevent browsers from cashing banners.
No-repeat filter for showing multiple banners on the same page.
Powerful reporting and real time statistics for admin and clients.
Status feature allows a campaign or account to be suspended at any time.
Supports alt text and target frame parameters for ad images.
Supports under click- able text for displaying text under banner images.
Set Campaigns to expire on number of impressions, click throughs or specific dates.
Set default zone for each zone in case all zone banner expires.
Set different zones for same banner to rotate.
Groups and Regions allow grouping of ads into different categories, pages, or sites.
Standard and Rich Media ads can be displayed with or without SSI, local or remote.
Default ad for each region in case all of the ads in a region expire or are disabled.
IP tracking and cookies for increased security and accurate click-through counts.
Use html features like: width, height, border, alt text, frame target, mouseover, etc.

Table (1) shows a summary of the most important features.

Banner Server Features Summary
Unlimited Rotations from one script Yes
Rotate Banners with or without SSI Yes
Auto Expiration of Banners Yes
Expire by days, views, or clicks each banner individually Yes
Full Browser - Based Administration Yes
Client Stats Area Yes
Display Banners in Other Scripts Yes
Set targets for each ad Yes
Add Text Beneath Banners Yes
Run Text ads. (SSI) Yes
Run Rich Media / HTML ads.  Yes
Suspend individual ads Yes
Suspend individual clients Yes
When inserting ads, add them  to multiple rotations at one time Yes
HTML template based Yes

Table (1) Summary of the banner server important features.



Zones are reserved locations that you assign on your websites pages to run banners. For each zone you can assign unlimited campaigns or banners to rotate. You should consider all banner that will run in specific zone to have the same size, height and width in pixels to consist with your sites pages original design so not to stretch or compress the pages looks when the banner size changes from small to big or from big to small. You can create unlimited zones.



For each advertiser or client you just create one account with login which allows the client to login to the clients stats area to check all his campaigns or banners.



For each banner you run you create a campaign with the details of the banner. The campaign information includes type of expiration either by views, clicks or time period specified by start and end dates, banner width and height, banner image location , click target, redirect URL and more.


Steps to setup a campaign

  1. Create the account that campaign belongs to from "Add New Account".

  2. Create the campaign from "Add New Campaign".

  3. Setup the zones that the campaign banner will rotate in, from "Manage Campaigns" then browse to the campaign name line and click on "Config". From the "Configure Banner Campaign" Menu select all the Banner Zones that this campaign will rotate.

  4. Make sure that the campaign is active and also the account if you want the client to be able to check the campaigns stats.


Interactive Marketing Units ad formats

You can use the traditional Interactive marketing unit ad standards set by the Internet Advertising Bureau shown below or you can create your own. Of course it is recommended to use the standard media sizes below as it covers all the sizes anyone might need.

Interactive Marketing Unit ad formats

468 x 60   


(Interactive marketing units)

88 x 31


(Interactive marketing units)

300 x 250


(Interactive marketing units)

250 x 250


(Interactive marketing units)

240 x 400


(Interactive marketing units)

336 x 280


(Interactive marketing units)

180 x 150


(Interactive marketing units)

120 x 240


(Interactive marketing units)

125 x 125


(Interactive marketing units)

120 x 90 


(Interactive marketing units)

120 x 60 


(Interactive marketing units)

234 x 60


(Interactive marketing units)

160 x 600


(Interactive marketing units)

120 x 600


(Interactive marketing units)

Table(2) Interactive marketing units ad formats.


Using and calling the banners

There are many ways to use the banners zones and campaigns either by using the build in classes, direct calls, or SSI calls.


Calling banners using Classes

Classes can only be used inside the program templates or any output from  the program including custom functions and custom classes. The classes used to call the banners are as follows:


This class will call any banner zone and rotate all the banner in this zone. Every time the page that have this class is called, the banner server will return different banner.

Replace Zone_Name with the Zone name you want to rotate. For example to call and rotate a zone you have create with the name Top_468, then put this class in your templates:


You can call only specific campaign by using the following class:


Replace Campaign_Name with the campaign you need to call.


Calling banners using SSI

When using server side includes (SSI) calls, you should name your files with the .shtml extension. This is required to run any programs inside static html pages. The format to call banners in your shtml files as following:

<!--#include virtual="/cgi-bin/search/ads.cgi?ZID=Zone_Name&TID=2"-->

Replace Zone_Name with the zone you want to call and rotate. Please also change the path to the program file ads.cgi if required based on your server configuration.

Your server also must be enabled to run server side includes (SSI) besides the pages containing the banner code itself must be .shtml.

You can also with SSI call specific campaign only using this format:

<!--#include virtual="/cgi-bin/search/ads.cgi?ID=Campaign_Name&TID=2"-->

Replace Campaign_Name with the campaign name you want to call.

Calling banners directly
You can call the banner directly from the browser by calling the program file ads.cgi with the proper parameters, see this code:


The program adclick.cgi is used to track and record the banners clicks which you can use with ads.cgi for simple image banners calls

<A HREF="http://www.mewsoft.com/cgi-bin/search/adclick.cgi?ID=Campaign_Name">
<IMG SRC="http://www.mewsoft.com/cgi-bin/search/ads.cgi?ID=Campaign_Name&TID=0"></A>

Replace Campaign_Name with the campaign you want to call.

You cal also use text links to track clicks on specific banner campaigns as following:

<A HREF="http://www.mewsoft.com/cgi-bin/search/adclick.cgi?ID=Campaign_Name">Click Here To Visit Us</A>

It is better also in image calls to use some JavaScript code to generate random number each time the pages are called or refreshed to avoid the browsers to cash the banners images. The code below is a good example:

document.write('<A HREF="http://www.mewsoft.com/cgi-bin/search/adclick.cgi?ID=Campaign_Name&RID=' + (new Date()).getTime()+'" TARGET=_blank><IMG SRC="http://www.mewsoft.com/cgi-bin/search/ads.cgi?ID=Campaign_Name&TID=0&RID=' + (new Date()).getTime() + '" BORDER="0" HEIGHT="60" WIDTH="468" ALT="Mewsoft Search Engine Software"></A>');


Checking Campaigns Stats

The banner server has a good tools for generating stats for all campaigns individually. The stats format are summary, daily, or hourly and IP log details.

The system admin can check the stats easily from the admin center "Manage Campaigns" then select Stats under the Actions of the campaign you want to check the stats.

Clients also can access stats using the login assigned in their account and the account itself must be enabled. Call the program file adstats.cgi. Point your browser to the file adstats.cgi, for example:




The login page will display, client must enter the account login user name and password to check all the campaigns stats.

As shown in figures (1) to (4) how the details of the reporting system is available for both the system admin and the client.


Figure (1) show the summary page for a client including all the client campaigns over specific one month period.

Figure(2) shows the daily reports for single campaign for a client over one month period in both numerical and graphical mode.

Figure(3) Shows the hourly reports for single campaign for a client over one month period in both numerical and graphical mode.

Figure(4) Shows the IP log and click source for single campaign for a client over one month period which helps to track the source for each single click making the client much satisfied and confidence.


Please select a campaign to load report:  
Month:   Year:   Type:
Campaings Summary
# Campaign Clicks Impressions CTR Progress
1 auction_campaign 49 4157 1.18% 0%
2 search_campaign 98 3800 2.58% 0%
3 Mewsoft120 47 2548 1.84% 0%
4 Mewsoft120x2 25 1107 2.26% 0%
5 search_campaign1 58 4104 1.41% 0%
6 Mewsoft120x3 38 2493 1.52% 0%

Figure(1) Reports summary for account campaigns over one month period.

Please select a campaign to load report:  
Month:   Year:   Type:
Campaign Daily Report
Day Clicks Impressions CTR Graph
 1  0  30  0.00%
 2  1  18  5.56%
 3  0  16  0.00%
 4  0  42  0.00%
 5  0  19  0.00%
 6  6  30  20.00%
 7  0  65  0.00%
 8  0  32  0.00%
 9  0  26  0.00%
 10  0  63  0.00%
 11  0  40  0.00%
 12  6  68  8.82%
 13  0  48  0.00%
 14  0  27  0.00%
 15  0  9  0.00%
 16  0  13  0.00%
 17  0  30  0.00%
 18  0  25  0.00%
 19  0  17  0.00%
 20  0  29  0.00%
 21  0  27  0.00%
 22  0  19  0.00%
 23  0  11  0.00%
 24  3  14  21.43%
 25  0  42  0.00%
 26  1  19  5.26%
 27  0  13  0.00%
 28  0  21  0.00%
 29  0  21  0.00%
 30  0  10  0.00%
Total  49  4157  1.18%  
Impressions (x50.00000)
Clicks (x4.41176)

Figure(2) Daily reports for account campaign over one month period.


Please select a campaign to load report:  
Month:   Year:   Type:
Campaign Daily Report
Day Clicks Impressions CTR Graph
 0  1  81  1.23%
 1  0  11  0.00%
 2  0  19  0.00%
 3  1  11  9.09%
 4  3  17  17.65%
 5  1  20  5.00%
 6  2  20  10.00%
 8  3  11  27.27%
 10  2  19  10.53%
 11  4  11  36.36%
 12  2  23  8.70%
 13  3  29  10.34%
 14  3  51  5.88%
 15  3  39  7.69%
 16  2  39  5.13%
 17  3  54  5.56%
 22  2  49  4.08%
Total  98  3800  2.58%  
Impressions (x75.00000)
Clicks (x3.70370)

Figure(3) Hourly reports for account campaign over one month period.


Please select a campaign to load report:  
Month:   Year:   Type:
Date Time IP Address HTTP Refere User Agent
12/10/2001 07:24:48 http://www.mewsoft.com/cgi-bin/dir/search.cgi Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)
12/10/2001 07:24:56 http://www.bidsea.com/cgi-bin/dir/search.cgi Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)
12/10/2001 07:25:10 http://www.bidsir.com/cgi-bin/dir/search.cgi Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)

Figure(4) IP log reports for account campaign over one month period.


Add New Account

The first thing to do when adding a new advertiser or client is to create an account for this client. You need only to create one account for each client or advertiser. You can assign and run unlimited banners or campaigns to one account.

Figure (5) show the fields and their meanings in the add new account menu.




Account ID

The login ID or user name assigned for the client to the reports area.

Login Password

The password assigned for the client to the reports area.

Email Address

Client email address.

Full Name

Client full name


Client company name or organization.

Street Address

Client full street address.


Client city.


Client state.


Client zip code if available.


Client country.


Client phone number.


Client fax number if available.

Comments or payment information

Use this field to write any notes about this client. For example you may record down all the payments history or special notes about the company or relationship or else. Any time you need to add to the comments use the edit account menu.

Figure(5). Add New Account Fields.


Figure(6) below shows an example of adding a new banner account or a new client to your banner server database system.


Create New Banner Account

What's This?
Account ID:
Login Password:
Email Address:
Full Name:
Street Address:
Comments or
Payment Information:


Figure(6). Add New Account Menu Example.


Add New Campaign

Use the Add New Campaign menu to create a new banner or campaign for any account you have created. You can assign unlimited number of campaigns or banners for each Account or client.

Figure (7) below show the fields and their meanings in the add new campaign menu.


Field Value
Account Select from the drop down menu the account that this campaign will belong to.
Campaign Name Enter a unique name for this campaign. You can use any letter, digits, underscore or even spaces.
Campaign Type Three campaign types available to choose from:
  1. Number of impressions
    With this type you set the number of impressions for the campaign to run and will be disabled automatically once it the banner is displayed the preset number.
  2. Number of clicks
    With this type you set the number of click-throughs (Not impressions) for the campaign before it will automatically be disabled. The banner will be rotated until the number of unique clicks on it reaches the preset number no matter how many times the banner displayed without clicking.
  3. Number of days
    This type will set a specific time period for the banner to rotate which does not depend on impressions or clicks. Set the start and end dates for the campaign and the banner will only start rotating on the start date set and will be automatically disabled on the end date.

Expired campaigns will not be deleted, they will be disabled only and can be enabled for reuse. 

Size Sets the width and height of the banner in pixels.
Target Selects the target tag for the banner page which can be one of the following:
  • Page default
  • Same frame
  • Whole page
  • New window
  • Parent frame
  • Reuse new window


Redirect URL This is the URL that the user will be redirected when the banner is clicked.
Under Text You can display a clickable text under the banner image, normally a short line of text. Leave blank if you do not want to display a text under the banner image.
Alt Text This is the banner image alt tag. Normally it is displayed if the image not found and when the user moves the mouse over the banner image.
Banner URL This is the full URL to the banner image. It is very recommended to set all the banner images on the same server.
HTML Banner If you would like to use HTML banners instead of the image you can do this easily be leaving the Banner URL field empty and insert the html code of your banner here in this field.

You can use any html, javascript, or any scripting language in your banner code.

The only requirement for html banners is to insert the class <!--Click_Track--> in your HREF of the clickable URL's inside your html banner code. For example, <A HREF="<!--Click_Track-->" <!--TARGET-->> Click Here</A>.

Figure(7). Add New Account Fields.


Figure(8) show the Add New Campaign Menu Example.


Create New Banner Campaign

What's This?
Account :
Campaign Name:
Campaign Type:
Number of clicks Clicks allowed
Number of impressions Impressions allowed
Number of days
Start Date: //(mm/dd/yyyy)
End Date: //(mm/dd/yyyy)
Size: Width:      Height:
Redirect URL:
Under Text:
Alt Text:
Banner URL:
HTML Banner:
Please use the class <!--Click_Track--> in your HREF of the clickable URL's inside your html banner code.
For example, <A HREF="<!--Click_Track-->" <!--TARGET-->> Click Here</A>.


Figure(8). Add New Campaign Menu Example.


Manage Accounts

Manage accounts menu will list all the banner server clients, number of campaigns for each client, status of each client either enabled or disabled, and allows you to edit, delete, enable, disable accounts, and manage each account campaigns.

Figure(9) Shows the Manage accounts menu.


Manage Banner Accounts

# Account Campaigns Action
1 Mewsoft 6 Enabled Delete
2 Client1 3 Disabled Delete
3 Client2 8 Enabled Delete

Figure(9). Manage accounts menu.


Figure(10) shows the Edit banner account menu example.


Edit Banner Account

Account ID: Mewsoft
Login Password:
Email Address:
Full Name:
Street Address:
Comments or
Payment Information:


Figure(10). Edit banner account menu.

Figure(11) shows the Manage account campaigns menu. From this menu you can, view and edit campaigns, view and edit accounts, view and edit campaign configurations, view the reports, activate or deactivate campaigns, and also delete campaigns for this specific Client.


Manage Banner Account Campaigns

Campaign Account Clicks Impr CTR Spent Action
auction_campaign Mewsoft 0 230 0.00% 0%
Config  Active  Delete Stats
search_campaign Mewsoft 0 0   0%
Config  Active  Delete Stats

Showing 1 - 2 of 2 totals      Previous Page    Next Page    

Figure(11). Manage account campaigns menu


Manage Campaigns
Figure(12) shows the Manage account campaigns menu. From this menu you can, view and edit campaigns, view and edit accounts, view and edit campaign configurations, view the reports, activate or deactivate campaigns, and also delete campaigns for any client.


Manage Banner Campaigns

Campaign Account Clicks Impr CTR Spent Action
auction_campaign Mewsoft 49 4157 1.18% 0%
Config  Active Delete Stats
Mewsoft120 Mewsoft 46 2545 1.81% 0%
Config  Active Delete Stats
Mewsoft120x2 Mewsoft 25 1107 2.26% 0%
Config  Active Delete Stats
Mewsoft120x3 Mewsoft 38 2490 1.53% 0%
Config  Active Delete Stats
search_campaign Mewsoft 98 3796 2.58% 0%
Config  Active Delete Stats
search_campaign1 Mewsoft 58 4104 1.41% 0%
Config  Active Delete Stats

Showing 1 - 6 of 6 totals      Previous Page    Next Page    


Figure(12) Manage campaigns page.


Figure(13) Shows the  Edit campaign menu where you can change a campaign setup.


Edit Banner Campaign

What's This?   
Account :
Campaign Name:
Campaign Type:
Number of clicks Clicks allowed
Number of impressions Impressions allowed
Number of days
Start Date: //(mm/dd/yyyy)
End Date: //(mm/dd/yyyy)
Size: Width:      Height:
Redirect URL:
Under Text:
Alt Text:
Banner URL:

HTML Banner:
Please use the class <!--Click_Track--> in your HREF of the clickable URL's inside your html banner code.
For example, <A HREF="<!--Click_Track-->" <!--TARGET-->> Click Here</A>.


Figure(13) Edit campaign page.


HTML banner example

The code below shows HTML code for example of using HTML banners instead of using images.

<DIV ALIGN="center">
<TD WIDTH="100%" ALIGN="center"><FONT SIZE="5" COLOR="#FF0000"><B>3 day
annual sale 90%</B></FONT></TD>
<TD WIDTH="100%"><B><FONT SIZE="4" COLOR="#006A35">Pay Per Click Search
Engine Software. SQL driven </FONT><FONT SIZE="4"><A HREF="<!--Click_Track-->" <!--TARGET-->>See
<TD WIDTH="100%"><B><FONT SIZE="4"><FONT COLOR="#FF0066">Multi-lingual
Auction Software. Complete Solution</FONT> <A HREF="<!--Click_Track-->" <!--TARGET-->>See
The resulting banner from the above html code in the banner system is shown below.

3 day annual sale 90%

Pay Per Click Search Engine Software. SQL driven See Details
Multi-lingual Auction Software. Complete Solution See Details


Figure(14) Shows the Configure campaign menu where you select the zones that this campaign will rotate in. You can select any number of zones for the campaign to rotate in.

Configure Banner Campaign

What's This?   

Select the zones that the campaign will rotate in.

Campaign: ms_search_engine
Active Zones: To Select more than one zone from the list, drag your mouse or click with the <CTRL> Key pressed.


Figure(14) Configure campaign menu.


Manage Zones
Figure(15) Shows the Zones manager menu. Form this page you can view and edit zones, change zones configuration, and delete zones.


Zones Manager

What's This?   

# Zone Default Zone Default Campaign Action
 1  Bottom_468   BOT_ROS_468   auction_campaign Config Delete
 2  BOT_ROS_468   ROS_468   search_campaign Config Delete
 3  Left_120   Right_120   search_campaign1 Config Delete
 4  Right_120   Left_120   ms_auction_campaign Config Delete
 5  ROS_468   BOT_ROS_468   ms_search_campaign Config Delete
 6  Top_468   Bottom_468   auction_campaign1 Config Delete
 7  TOP_ROS_468   ROS_468   auction_campaign2 Config Delete
Previous Page    Next Page    



Create New Zones

Please enter one zone name per each line and press enter key at the end of each line.

Figure(15) Zones manager page.


Figure(16) Shows the Zone configuration menu. For each zone you can assign a default zone where if all the banner in the zone expires it will try to rotate banners from the default zone assigned to it. The same way you assign a default campaign for each zone which will be pulled if all the banner in the zone expired. The default campaign has the first priority before the default zone is tried. This means if all the assigned banners in a specific zone expired, then the zone will try the default campaign, if it is also expired or not set, it will try grabbing from the default zone.


Banner Zone Configuration

Zone Name:   Bottom_468
Default Zone:  
Default Campaign:  


Figure(16) Zone configuration.


Edit Banner Templates
Figure(17) Banner templates editor. These templates are used for the client side reports as well as the admin side reports. This allows you to edit all the pages and tables that display for the client when accessing the client reports area.


Edit Banner Templates

What's This?


Figure(17) Banner templates editor.

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