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Lock Site Access



 Lock Site Access
 Unlock Site Access



The lock access tools lets you make the site unavailable for the users temporarily until you make it available again. This function is very important if you are doing system upgrades or backup or dealing in some way with your system database and do not want anyone else to update the system database or accept new submissions.


Lock site temporarily from user access

This function will display a message for the users when they try to access your site saying our site is temporarily unavailable for upgrades or whatever you want to say. The message itself is editable from the language manager, file lock access. If this option is selected, the site will be turned off for the user access until you turn it on again.


Unlock site and make it available for user access

This is the default mode to turn on the site for user access. If this option is selected then the site will be working in the normal operational mode from the user side and the lock access message will not be displayed.

You should try to do your system or database upgrades or backup in the low traffic times to avoid losing these new users or surfers who come to your site for the first time.


Lock Site Access

  What's This?   

Lock or unlock your site for user access

   Lock site temporarily from user access.

   Unlock site and make it available for user access.


Figure (1) Lock/Unlock Access.


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